TAGDEV: An Example of How African Universities Are Moving Lower to Influence Change in Communities

Africa’s poverty levels remain high, at 40 percent of the continent’s population, condemning millions of people to a substandard lifestyle. Innovation and willingness to cross traditional academic boundaries have become more urgent for many in the academia.

Apply now: University Student Internship with DDRN.dk – Spring 2022

Do you want to sharpen your skills as a science journalist working with the Sustainable Development Goals? Danish Development Research Network (DDRN) is currently mapping research on sustainable development by researchers from the Global South studying and working in Denmark, and by their Danish host institutions. DDRN research communication performs critical reviews, encourage open access, and supports knowledge networking.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) research capacity programs

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is an independent organisation of German higher education institutions and their student bodies, devoted to internationalising the academic system. Its guiding principle is “Change by Exchange” which not only refers to the students taking part in the programs, but also to strengthen the international community regarding global knowledge exchange. In an interview with Dr. Christian Hülshörster, who is the divisional director of the department for Global South programs, and Christiane Schmeken, who is the director of the department for strategy, I asked about DAAD’s current approaches

The resurgence of “Ollas Comunes” in Chile: Solidarity in times of pandemic

During 2020, due to the advance of COVID-19, people from popular neighborhoods in Chile have been organizing  “Ollas Comunes” or “Soup Kitchen” as a way to provide meals to the community. Neighbors, friends, families from the same area who suffer from unemployment and sickness due to the pandemic, get organized and start again this historic food distribution system to ensure daily meals to thousands of families across the country.