Gender equality

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Gender equality

Gender equality Good health and well-being News No poverty Quality education

“It is a lonely space”

Twenty-year old chef Amina (not real name) is as beautiful as they come. She speaks with melodic intonations and when she smiles, she bears the look of a happy girl. Behind that, however, is a life of emotional ruptures that,...
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Gender equality Good health and well-being News

Vulnerable Women Became even more Vulnerable During the Pandemic

Women in Denmark have been more vulnerable than men during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is true for employees at the forefront in the health and elderly sectors, and it is just as true for very vulnerable sex workers who lost...
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Gender equality Good health and well-being News

Sex-workers in Ecuador badly affected by the economic aftermath of COVID-19

Characterized by old, white colonial style buildings, the historical center of Quito is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and normally well visited by tourists – foreign as well as national. It has also become infamous for insecurity reasons, issues with drug and alcohol use in the streets and theft. And then it is one of the areas where you find sex workers offering their services on the streets.
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Gender equality News

The new Mr Kerala opens up the pathway for transgender bodybuilding in India

Coming from India, I was gladdened to see plenty of rainbow flags flying everywhere in Copenhagen during the just concluded Worldpride 2021. Never in my mind had I imagined a pride parade drawing in such a large crowd. From kids to oldies, people cheered for the LGBTI+ communities by painting rainbows on their faces and wrapping themselves in rainbow flags. Promising inclusivity, the events marked their support for the LGBTI+ communities in Copenhagen and the world over.
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Gender equality News

Migration in the context of conflict and resource struggles: Experiences of Burmese migrants in Thailand

Sofie Mortensen, an EU TALENT PhD fellow at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, is currently researching how conflict, rural development and resource struggles in Myanmar contribute to the migration of Burmese youths to Thailand. She wants to know how the migrants decided to leave Myanmar and understand their wellbeing and dreams for the future.
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Gender equality News Social Sciences

Sexual violence against refugees – South Sudanese women and girls in the Bidibidi settlement, Uganda

Women and girls fleeing from conflict or crisis areas mostly experience or witness crimes and violence in their home country as well as during the transit stage of their demanding journey to other countries. However, many of them are at increased risk of violence, particularly sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) in the receiving country too, as this type of violence is an ever-present danger in any humanitarian crises. Hereby, especially the female refugees are at high risk of multiple discriminations ascribing the theory of intersectionality.
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Gender equality Resources Social Sciences

Noise in the houses: Missing women and girls in Peru

The consequences of the coronavirus in Peru go far beyond health and the economy. Female disappearances in the Latin American country have reached 11,828 in 2020, the year of the pandemic. Many are victims of sexist violence. The case of Joys Stefani tells about the agony of those who lose track of a loved one.
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Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Reduced inequalities Social Sciences

Equity and gender equality after Covid19 – Lockdown violence and cashless cities under the pandemic

Sexual violence and violence against women more broadly have surged worldwide during the Covid19 crisis. In this article Nickolas A. Kirchert asks anthropologist Atreyee Sen to assess the goal of equity and gender equality in India after Covid19
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Decent work and economic growth Gender equality News No poverty Peace, justice and strong institutions Quality education

Gulu’s Post War Urban Youth: Where is their Future?

A dusty road leads me to Pece Primary School on the outskirts of Gulu town, a city in the northern Uganda. Just opposite the school, is a signpost that reads: “Gulu University Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies [IPSS].” It points towards a sizeable block sitting on an enclosed acre of land. The building’s cream walls and green roof have greyed due to age, Dr. Stephen Langole is a social scientist, who has studied different aspects of post war life in  northern Uganda. This time we are going to talk about his PhD thesis, UrbanYouth in Post-conflict Northern Uganda: Networking Livelihood Resources.
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