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Arts and Humanities

Art and Humanities Peace, justice and strong institutions Reviews

A magnificent and captivating exhibition

April 21st this year the museum by the name Louisiana that is located in Humlebæk, North of Copenhagen, opened a new exhibition by the artist and cinematographer[1] Arthur Jafa. The exhibition continues until October 31st  2021. The title of the...
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Art and Humanities Opinions

Sami-youth in Finland: “Our culture is threatened by climate change – and we are not even part of the conversation about it”

Talking about climate change on several levels and with different meanings – is something essential to Anni-Sofia Niittyvuopio (21), Head of the Youth Council of the Finnish Sami parliament: “One of our main goals is to participate when we talk...
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Art and Humanities Opinions

Ravinder Kaur: From ‘Third World’ to ‘Emerging Market’

To talk about development is to talk about change. And along the notion of change comes the idea of ‘the new’. The notion of development goals for the future world has been around for quite some time. In this article we look at the contemporary notion of change and ‘the new’ in the region generally referred to as the ‘developing world’. This article specifically focuses on the rise of India as a ‘brand new nation, and how we went from talking about ‘developing countries’ or ‘Third World’ countries to ‘Emerging Markets’.
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