DDRN/UCPH seminar: South-North Research Cooperation at University of Copenhagen

Open Seminar: South-North research cooperation and future funding

Join us in the discussion of South-North research and educational cooperation at UCPH and the future funding possibilities (FFU). SCIENCE Sustainable Development Working Group, UCPH Global Development and Danish Development Research Network invite all interested to a seminar with examples from UCPH – with a focus on Southern PhD students – and the future cooperation and funding possibilities.

PROGRAM Tuesday 29 October 2019, 13.00-15.00
13.00-13.05 Welcome by Helle Samuelsen, Chair of University of Copenhagen working group on Global Development (UCPH Global Development)
13.05-13.10 Welcome by Arne Wangel, Editor in Chief, DDRN: Rationale and key issues in the DDRN research communication project
13.10-13.20 Quentin Gausset, Department of Anthropology: Presentation of the Master programme Global Development at UCPH – as head of studies
13.20-13.30 Aske S. Bosselmann, Department of Food and Resource Economics, FFU: Fruits, Frustrations and Unity in a South-North research and PhD collaboration
13.30-13.50 Carla Ximena Little, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, PhD student: Presentation of key issues from research study and reflections on the encounter with the academic culture in Denmark
13.50-14.00 Break with refreshments
14.00-14.10 Lene Møller Madsen, Department of Science Education: Presentation of findings from 30 years of Danish research cooperation with Africa – lessons learned
14.10-14.20 Helle Samuelsen, Chair of UCPH Global Development: Strategic priorities of UCPH
14.20-14.30 Flemming Konradsen, Chair of FFU: The future funding of Danish South-North research cooperation
14.30-14.55 Discussion – moderated by Stig Jensen, Centre for Africa Studies

– Challenges in South-North cooperation

– The role and responsibility of UCPH as a key player in Danish South-North research cooperation

14.55-15.00 Closing remarks by Arne Wangel, DDRN