DDRN Essay Competition for University Students 2019

DDRN Essay Competition for University Students 2019:

Communicate a piece of your own research relevant to one or more of the global challenges


The awards

First prize: 5,000 DKK

Second prize: 3,000 DKK and

Third prize: 2,000 DKK

All three prize winning essays will be published on DDRN’s website; with the consent of the author, a Danish language version of each winning essay will be offered to selected Danish science on-line media

All students submitting an essay for the competition will receive a free copy of the e-book ‘Share your research. A hands-on guide to successful science communication’ 

Deadline for submission: Friday 1 November 2019


Who can participate

University students currently studying at universities in Denmark (for a full Bachelor, Master or PhD program; as an exchange student for one or more semesters; as a short-term guest student, e.g. as part of co-supervision arrangement)

What should you submit

Identify a piece of your own research, which is not more than 2 years old. It could be from any field of study, and it could be from your bachelor, or master thesis, a larger project, or from an assignment from one of your courses. We encourage both Danish and international students to participate in the competition. Your essay may include these suggested areas:

  • Motivation for studying the problem addressed
  • Your method(s) of studying the problem
  • Key findings of your research
  • What is your ambition regarding your key findings being applied?
  • How do you envision the potential impact of the application of your findings?
  • How did the UN Sustainable Development Goals come into your research?

The essay must be in English; regardless of the language of your original research.

Length of essay: Between 9,000 and 9,500 characters (including spaces)

Criteria of assessment

All essays will be assessed based on the quality of the author’s ability to communicate his or her research to a wider audience. This includes the validity of the research performed; thus, essays shortlisted for the top three awards need to have their research validated.

Who will assess your essay

  • Jens Degett, chairman of the Danish Association of Science Journalists, chairman of European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations, and the Editor-in-Chief of Science Stories
  • Gorm Palmgren, science journalist, contributor to Science Illustrated
  • Line Blicher Jensen, cand.negot. (International Studies, University of Southern Denmark)

How to submit your essay

  1. Register as a member of DDRN (free) at: http://dummytesting.ddrn.dk/register/
  2. Send your manuscript by e-mail as attached Word or PDF file to: info@ddrn.dk
  3. In the e-mail include this information:
  • Your full name
  • The name your university
  • The full name of your study program


We look very much forward to receiving your essay!
